“Of course Steffi is the Boss. That’s what we always do,” is known Chris Wackert (35). Gemeinsam mit seiner Frau Steffi Bruns (35) We will watch the German version of the Netflix legacy dating show “Love is blind” (from January 3). Concept: 30 Teilnehmer get to know themselves separately in Sprachkabinen “blindly”. Ben Ende Steht Die Frage: Willst du mich heiraten?
Steffi Brungs & Chris Wackert have been elevated since 2019
An excerpt, the moderators for their savory have both been inherited since 2019. “It was a pleasure to look at it,” said Chris Wackert, hinting that his wife had a community of friends and that there were no friendly ties at the moment. “Unsere Freunde we have our own small Schubser, we will see the Knistern in our own way. We will have a good time, we will enjoy our free time”, explains Steffi Brungs.
“My first and only Tinder date is aimed at the snake”
The 35-year-old moderator is from the Konzept der Show-überzeugt: “Friends, who are on such a great night’s life, are always the ones who have become very good at everything, because they live on Tinder. : ‘Love is blind’ is an attractive format, We are a smart, optical voyage of discovery and the man can know the knowledge if he is a single commodity, where he is blind to an option.”
Namely Tinder. “My first and last Tinder-Date is right in the Hose”, led by Chris Wackert. Ausgewählt wurde das Date ubrigens ausgewechnet von seiner damigen Freundin and heutigen Frau. “I am happy with my experience with my date and enjoy our precious amuse-bouche. I am happy with my life, because of my leisure time, I will enjoy my time with it. Even if a small thing is not stimmt, we will see more. is a fact that this is the case in practice, which is a bad outcome.”
Steffi Brungs about the lonely Streitpunkt in Ihrer Ehe
Streiterprobt is the moderating problem, who is both affected by the protocol. “I’m Laufe
of the years that they have now lived together, try working on more themes at one of the discussion groups. If we have an unglazed base, a man can be a bad stretcher and a man who can achieve something else,” said Chris Wackert.
In the Frage there was a nerve from Ihrem Gatten, of which Steffi Brungs did not have a long überlegen. “I’m in the mood for a morning meal, in the eyes of Chris. Man knew me, that’s what happened next. Aber nein! If I don’t try, I’ll be happy, war is a good thing. , who: Was ist mit der Steuererklärung?”, meint sie en ergänzt laughing: “Deswegen hater mich in seinem Handig now with a Faultier-Emoji abgespeichert, wenn ich anrufe.”